
17 things you need to know about divorce

    17 things you need to know about divorce, Wisconsin, USA

    He world's oldest divorcees were Simon and Ida Stern of Wisconsin, USA, who were 97 and 92 respectively when they parted; you are never too old for a life changing divorce .

    Divorce Laws in Winconsin

    Two thirds of divorcees say that they do not think there is such a thing as an amicable divorce. Keep trying, it can be done.

    One in ten married men and women do not have sex with each other. They may, of course, be having sex with someone else.

    A French woman was arrested at her wedding reception in 1995 for stabbing her new husband with the knife which only moments before they had used to cut the cake; it's never too soon to attempt to end the marriage.

    Staying friends with your ex spouse is a good thing to do especially if you have children but it can be very difficult, so try hard, it will be worth it.

    Trying to take all means of financial support away from someone you once loved is not a nice thing to do.

    The divorce rate has fallen in every age group apart from the over 60s where it has risen consistently for the last ten years.

    It can take a long time to recover from getting divorced; some people never do.

    After the divorce you have a whole new set of challenges, some of which can be great fun.

    The most common of the grounds for divorce is irretrievable breakdown caused by your spouse's unreasonable behaviour. If your husband/wife has not been unreasonable then just make it all up.

    The court is only interested in the care and well being of any children of the marriage and how to split the dosh (family assets) between you.

    You do not need to have any reasons for getting divorced, building upon half truths or making some up is just fine. The courts are not interested in who did what or who is telling the truth.

    Divorce counselling is non judgemental (which is a good thing) but often not very effective (which is a bad thing).

    Divorce is a very expensive game best played by rich people with a cast iron pre nuptial agreement; ordinary people can rarely afford to play.

    If you have a divorce driven by The Four Horsemen/women be prepared for a medieval siege and the removal of both arms and all the legs you possess.

    In the worst case your spouse will become each of The Four Horsemen/women of the Divorce - Anger, Resentment, Fear and Guilt.

    During the course of getting divorced your soon to be ex will probably become irrational and vindictive. Try not to worry too much, this is quite normal.
