
Dating advice for divorced men and women: managing expectations

    Dating: by the time you've learned how to do it properly, you probably don't need it anymore.  A bit like sex and a lot of other things but don't despair, learning can be fun!

    That first post divorce date 

    You’re beside yourself with barely controlled excitement because his or her profile on Would Like To Meet  dating for divorced people makes him look and sound like Orlando Bloom, or your best friend describes your blind date as a dead ringer for Kate Winslet . In reality once you’ve met it can be difficult to hide your disappointment.  Since when was Orlando a fat balding dwarf and how did Kate morph into Anne Widdecombe?

    dating after divorce

    Kindness and consideration

    Having to spend the evening with someone you've met on an online dating site and are never going to fancy is a very tricky situation to deal with. Keep an open mind before you embark on a date with anyone, whoever that anyone is and don’t get your hopes up too high beforehand.

    Imagine if the roles were reversed and the person sitting opposite you in the restaurant would prefer to be eating their own leg rather than trying to be charming while you dribble pasta sauce down your front.  At the risk of sounding like your mother just remember that good manners cost nothing.  Even though you may want to leave three minutes after arriving at your chosen meeting place just remember everyone has feelings.  Be courteous and kind at all times.

    How to bale out with dignity and empathy

    If you find yourself in the middle of a post divorce dating catastrophe don’t panic.  Don’t make overtures to leave straight away however much you want to. See the date out and at an opportune moment make a hopefully, believable, excuse for needing to leave.

    Leave your date on good terms but be non-committal about whether you want to see them again.  The dating game is supposed to be fun, and if you genuinely feel that you gained nothing at all out of your date then you shouldn’t feel pressured to see again anyone that you don’t want to.

    The positive side to a dating disaster

    Rescuing yourself from a dating after divorce disaster does have a positive side.  At least you will know you can be tactful and considerate in the face of calamity.  Such situations also teach you to be realistic about dating and you shouldn’t rush the search for your perfect partner.  The next one really might be Orlando or Kate. Or maybe not.
